Homework Calendar

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Geometry Website Assistance

Geometry Website Assistance

If you are having problem in Geometry, DO NOT wait to get help! 
Please see Mr. Bingham
 Below is the Geometry Website Assistance Link:


Click on MATH - HIGH SCHOOL (this is a high school course)

Select Maryland as the state. 

Pictures of the books will appear.  Click on Geometry 2004 (it looks like the math book).

You  can choose the chapter we are working on and maneuver through the site for additional help, test practice, etc. 

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Mr. Bingham's Math Class

Welcome to the new school year.  Whether you are in Pre-Algebra where we will conduct surveys for data analysis, make 3-dimensional shapes for measurement, and learn the fundamental rules for solving equations  or in Geometry where we will use the compass to make constructions, learn about the logic of proofs , and use higher level reasoning skills to solve problems,  I am looking forward to a fun and exciting year in math class this year.  Let's make this your best year in math yet!